Hostels in Oxford ★★☆

A dorm room, Central Backpackers, Oxford
Hostels and cheap accommodations in Oxford
Reid's List
Hostels links
- - lists more than 350 hostels across the U.K., with nearly 100 in London alone, complete with verified user reviews.Partner
- - An aggregator shows you the rates its can find at multiple booking engines at once, so you can find the lowest price out there on hostels and other cheap accommodations.Partner
- - A guide to about 400 hostels, bunkhouses, and camping barns all across Great Britain, including England, Scotland, and Wales. It is much stronger in the countryside, towns, and smaller cities than in London (which is pretty much ignores, weighing in with less than half a dozen).
- - The official hostelling site, linking to all 158 official YHA hostels and bunkhouses in the U.K. This does mean, however, it ignores the many, many excellent private hostels.
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